DisDAT contacts and reference


DisDAT is constantly evolving and we welcome comments from users.

Lynn Gibson

Volunteer Trainer, St. Oswald’s Hospice

E: lynn2611@hotmail.com

Dorothy Matthews

Macmillan Nurse for People with Learning Disabilities, Northgate Hospital, Northumberland Tyne & Wear NHS Trust.

T: 07766 800461 / 01670 394808

E: Dorothy.Matthews@ntw.nhs.uk

Claud Regnard

Honorary Consultant in Palliative Care Medicine, St. Oswald’s Hospice, Newcastle upon Tyne and Volunteer Trainer, Wirral St. John’s Hospice, Clatterbridge, Wirral

E: claudregnard@stoswaldsuk.org


Regnard C, Matthews D, Gibson L, Clarke C, Watson B. Developing and validating a clinical tool to assess distress in people with profound communication problems. European Association for Palliative Care, 3rd Congress. The Hague, April 2003. [Poster]

Regnard C, Reynolds J, Watson B, Matthews D, Gibson L, Clarke C. Understanding distress in people with severe communication difficulties: developing and assessing the Disability Distress Assessment Tool (DisDAT). J Intellect Disability Res. 2007; 51(4): 277-292.

Regnard C. A pain tool for people with communication difficulties is no closer. Clinical Medicine. 2007; 7(1): 89-90. [Letter]

Gibson L, Mathews D, Regnard C. Distress may be hidden but it is never silent!
Journal of the Association of Practitioners in Learning Disabilities, 2008, 24(1): 5-8.

Gibson L, Matthews D, Regnard C. Message received? Learning Disability Today. 2010; 10(8): 24-25.

Jordan A, Regnard C, O’Brien JT, Hughes JC. Pain and distress in advanced dementia: choosing the right tools for the job. Palliative Medicine, 2011; 26(7): 873–878

Regnard C, Volicer L, Van Den Noorgate N et al. Detecting pain or distress in people with dementia: an appraisal of two strategies. European Journal of Palliative Care, 2015; 22(3) 110-3