Providing a quality service

Providing a quality service

Following our last unannounced Care Quality Commission visit, we were compliant in all five outcomes again this year. The Care Quality Commission team awarded us ‘outstanding’ for care and ‘good’ for the following four outcomes: safe, effective, responsive and well-led.

We were awarded an overall rating of Good.


The service was particularly caring. People and their relatives told us that staff treated them with exceptional kindness, care, dignity and respect at all times.

Staff were highly pro-active in their approach to care. They demonstrated compassion in every aspect of their work and ‘went the extra mile’ to make people feel valued and supported.


Quality Account

A Quality Account is a report about the quality of services by an NHS healthcare provider. Reports are published annually by each healthcare provider, including the independent sector, and are available to the public. This report focuses on our progress over the past year against selected quality improvements and outlining our priorities for the year ahead.

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Care Quality Commission

Following our last unannounced Care Quality Commission visit, we were compliant in all five outcomes again this year. The Care Quality Commission team awarded us ‘outstanding’ for care and ‘good’ for the following four outcomes: safe, effective, responsive and well-led. We were awarded an overall rating of Good.

View the CQC Report