Research project – British Thoracic Society Clinical Statements

Community Acquired Pneumonia in people with Learning Disability

Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) is a major cause of death in people with learning disabilities.

Prevention, early detection and proactive management are key to reducing mortality from avoidable causes.

This project explored best practice relating to CAP in people with learning disabilities so Clinical Statements could be developed that established practical action points and highlighted gaps in knowledge.

The research involved an extensive literature review combined with expert opinion.

Professor John Simpson

Lead Author: Dr Julian Legg

Contributing Author: Dr Jo Elverson, Consultant in Palliative Medicine, St Oswald’s Hospice.

March 2023

To develop Clinical Statements that strengthens the knowledge base in Aspiration Pneumonia and Community Acquired Pneumonia care.

Each statement should establish practical action points and highlights outstanding gaps in knowledge with the aim of encouraging best practice and further quality research in the future.

The clinical statement group (CSG) was established with experts in respiratory medicine (adult and paediatric), neurology, palliative care, primary care, nursing, speech and language therapy, physiotherapy and geriatrics.

Lay/patient input was provided by representatives from NHS England’s LeDeR programme and additional clinical advice was also sought on matters relating to gastroenterology and oral health.

The CSG identified key areas requiring Clinical Practice Points and the overall content was developed to reflect the scope approved by the BTS Standards of Care Committee (SOCC).

Individual sections were drafted by group members. A final edited draft was reviewed by the BTS SOCC before posting for public consultation and peer review on the BTS website June-July 2022. The revised document was re-approved by the BTS SOCC in September 2022 before final publication.

The study involved a comprehensive literature review.

Read the published report below.

Read the report