0191 285 0063
0191 246 9123
We’re a charitable hospice rooted in the North East. We provide outstanding, specialist and expert care to adults and children with life-limiting conditions. We strive to provide quality time for everyone.
St Oswald’s Hospice is a local charitable hospice helping people who have life-limiting conditions to make the most of life, no matter how long that life is.
We are committed to improving the care and quality of life of our patients and their families through ongoing research, innovation, service transformation and improvement.
Get Involved with St Oswald’s by taking part in a fundraising event. Whether you want to run, trek, cycle, or more, we have the challenge for you.
It’s thanks to kind gifts left to us by supporters in their Wills that we have been able to offer hospice care to North East adults, young people and children for over 35 years. A gift in your Will could help us secure the future of our vital services for generations to come.
Support our patients and families by shopping in our online store. All from the comfort of your own home!
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