How St Oswald’s Hospice helped Malcolm get back on his feet
“If I hadn’t been referred to St Oswald’s Hospice, I don’t know where I’d be. The care and support I’ve
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Thank you for reading our newsletters, our emails, our posts on social media. Thank you for thinking of us when choosing a charity to support, or telling a friend or neighbour about our campaigns and events. Thank you for donating your pre-loved items to keep our charity shops open and thank you for giving your time to volunteer at the hospice or at our events. Thank you for using your skills to knit, or bake, or host your own event in support. Thank you for being a friend, an ambassador, a community champion. Thank you for simply being there.
We are always humbled by the kindness and generosity of our supporters, but these past few months, you have blown us away with what you have helped us to achieve for our patients and families. Two examples of things we couldn’t have made happen without you were our Christmas Appeal, and our recent Giving Day, a first for the hospice.
When we launched our Christmas Appeal in December, we were a little nervous. Why? Because it was quite different from our usual appeals – an ask for you to help fund an ‘alternative Christmas wish list’ to fund some vital updates and repairs around the hospice.
Based around the ‘12 Days of Christmas’ we showcased twelve projects that would all help to make the hospice more comfortable for our patients and aimed to raise the £40,000 needed to make them all happen. We were overwhelmed by the response, and by January, together you had raised enough to fund our whole list. In fact, a massive £47,000 was raised, meaning that extra jobs further down our wish list can happen too.
Already, many of these projects have been completed with, others underway or planned to take place soon. A brand new fence has been erected along the perimeter of the hospice, replacing the one badly damaged in the strong winds last year and creating a more secure site. CCTV has been updated and a programme of tree maintenance and cutting back of shrubs has been completed. Emergency lighting repairs have been completed along with upgrades to fire doors and electrical testing done across the site. Your fundraising towards this appeal means that now these vital jobs have been paid for, other money raised can be spent on the ‘nice to have’ things that our patients tell us mean so much to them.
More recently we embarked on our first Giving Day, a 33 hour fundraising campaign which aimed to raise £300,000 towards funding the hospice and its services. It was new, risky and a little bit scary but we need not have worried – you were right there with us.
For 33 hours, our hearts were full, as donations flew in from friends new and old, fundraising pages were shared and words of encouragement were sent our way. It was so exciting to walk through the hospice and feel the buzz as the total rose and we got closer to our target. You did that.
With just a few minutes until the end of Giving Day, the target was reached and cheers rang out across the hospice. Those cheers were for you, without whom Giving Day would never have been possible.
These are just two examples of how together, our hospice community of supporters are the ultimate dream team. Please take a moment to celebrate your achievements with us and know how much our hospice family appreciates everything you do. Thank you.
From everyone at St Oswald’s Hospice
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